What’s up, I’m Khoa. I’m a web developer living in Vietnam and CEO at NetQuick social network. I am a fan of photography, technology, and design. I’m also interested in coffee and cats
  • 12 Δημοσιεύσεις
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  • CEO στο NetQuick
  • ζει στην Binh Duong
  • Από Bến Tre
  • σπούδασε Kỹ thuật phần mềm στο Đại học Thủ Dầu Một
  • Male
  • σε σχέση
  • 13/09/2003
  • ακολουθείται από 7 μέλη
Σύνδεσμοι κοινωνικών δικτύων
Καρφιτσωμένη δημοσίευση
Dearest cast of "Falling Into Your Smile" ,

I hope this letter finds you all well. I'm writing to you today as a representative of the countless international fans who fell head over heels for your incredible drama. "Falling Into Your Smile" was more than just a show for us; it was an escape, a source of joy, and a heartwarming story that stayed with us long after the final episode.

We were captivated by the electric chemistry between Lu Sicheng and Tong Yao, their journey both as individuals and as a couple resonating deeply with us. Your portrayal of these characters was so genuine and passionate that we couldn't help but root for them every step of the way. The entire cast brought such vibrancy and life to the ZGDX team, making us feel like we were part of their family.

While the drama faced some controversy in China, please know that it was met with overwhelming love and appreciation from the international community. It transcended cultural boundaries and touched the hearts of viewers from all walks of life. The themes of perseverance, teamwork, and pursuing one's dreams resonated deeply with us, and the lighthearted humor brought much-needed laughter into our lives.

I remember a time when whispers of a second season filled the air, igniting a spark of hope in our hearts. Three years have passed since then, and while we understand that the entertainment industry is unpredictable, we can't help but hold onto that glimmer of hope. The world you created in "Falling Into Your Smile" is one we long to revisit, to see our beloved characters grow and continue their journey.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for pouring your hearts and souls into this project. Your dedication and talent shine through in every scene, and we are eternally grateful for the gift you've given us. We will continue to support you in all your future endeavors and eagerly await the day we can once again immerse ourselves in the world of "Falling Into Your Smile."

With love and admiration,
An international fan forever touched by "Falling Into Your Smile"
Dearest cast of "Falling Into Your Smile" ❤️, I hope this letter finds you all well. I'm writing to you today as a representative of the countless international fans who fell head over heels for your incredible drama. "Falling Into Your Smile" was more than just a show for us; it was an escape, a source of joy, and a heartwarming story that stayed with us long after the final episode. We were captivated by the electric chemistry between Lu Sicheng and Tong Yao, their journey both as individuals and as a couple resonating deeply with us. Your portrayal of these characters was so genuine and passionate that we couldn't help but root for them every step of the way. The entire cast brought such vibrancy and life to the ZGDX team, making us feel like we were part of their family. While the drama faced some controversy in China, please know that it was met with overwhelming love and appreciation from the international community. It transcended cultural boundaries and touched the hearts of viewers from all walks of life. The themes of perseverance, teamwork, and pursuing one's dreams resonated deeply with us, and the lighthearted humor brought much-needed laughter into our lives. I remember a time when whispers of a second season filled the air, igniting a spark of hope in our hearts. Three years have passed since then, and while we understand that the entertainment industry is unpredictable, we can't help but hold onto that glimmer of hope. The world you created in "Falling Into Your Smile" is one we long to revisit, to see our beloved characters grow and continue their journey. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for pouring your hearts and souls into this project. Your dedication and talent shine through in every scene, and we are eternally grateful for the gift you've given us. We will continue to support you in all your future endeavors and eagerly await the day we can once again immerse ourselves in the world of "Falling Into Your Smile." With love and admiration, An international fan forever touched by "Falling Into Your Smile"❤️
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